There's a lot going on this week so why am I so bored? The week is slowly crawling by and I get easily amused so maybe there isn't as much going on as I thought.
I got a job (and that's as much as I can say - company policies and all) and I'm anxious to start on Monday. It will make the next month just fly by! :)
Yes, that's right! Month! Js is back in a month! Well, 29 days as of today, to be exact! *squeal* We're almost half way through this training and I'm really proud of us.
It has been a very difficult course for him. He calls me at the end of his day and he's exhausted and just wants to get some rest because he knows the next day will be the same. They've lost a couple students and they are down to a handful now. I'm sure that isn't the greatest for the moral of the group. He's starting to miss home a lot and of course, Jack and I are somewhere on the list too. He's disappointed he'll miss my first day of work and a bunch of things that are going on at the base in May.
I'm starting to feel like I normally do when I know he'll be home soon. Yes, a month qualifies as soon. I get moody when I'm on the phone with him, my sleeping habits are totally shot (again!) and I have very little patience and very low tolerance for stupidities.
I still have the puppies to take care of but the weather's been so ugly that we haven't walked in a couple of days and they are getting needy. It's a bit better today so maybe we'll go for a short walk. I have a gazillion things left to do to get ready for the weekend and then for work. Laundry galore!
It's like I've got a trazillion things to do but I don't know where to start. Boredom or laziness?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Let's pretend I can still say "early twenties"...
So this is it, my big birthday weekend is over and I have to say it wasn't nearly as horrible as I'd made it up to be in my mind. I had a great time and everything turned out great.
This is, not only my first birthday away from home, but my first special event that I don't get to spend with my family and close friends. I've been lucky enough and Js has been able to come home for all my birthdays so far (Even if it meant him not sleeping for over 48 hours and involving a 6 hour bus ride.) but this one was just totally out of the question for us. With him in Cornwall on course and me out here, trying to find work and getting settled, there was no way either of us could travel the distance for a short weekend.
Needless to say, knowing this far enough in advance, I'd envisioned my birthday to be a painful day-long torture of tears and sadness. *drama* I knew I was going to miss my family the most that day and I knew it would be hard for my parents to since I wasn't at home to celebrate with them. Overall, it was good. I spent the entire weekend with friends and not by my sad, sad lonesome as I envisioned.
I got a gazillion packages and cards on Friday but couldn't wait until Saturday to open them so I did. It put me in a great mood and then I went over to a friends house for dinner and some partying. The food was good and they even got me a cake! I felt so spoiled! We went out and got totally trashed (Classy, I know!) but the night was great. I went to bed that night feeling (although immensely intoxicated) happy and very satisfied with the evening.
When I woke up the next morning, it was a completely different story. It's like my body did a 180 and said "Eff you, Youth!" I could barely drag my sorry arse to the washroom and splash some cold water on my face. The day was excruciating. It took me a good 2 hours to be able to find/retrieve my phone and then another hour to muster enough energy to return my 4 missed calls from family wanting to wish me a happy birthday. I crawled around the house all day, drank a lot of fluids and avoiding any sudden movements.
I went to bed thinking "I'm still young! I can still party! Oh yeah!" and woke up thinking "Why do I feel like I drank an entire bucket of hot sauce?"
Then, I figured it out. This is what if feels like to go from "early twenties" to "late twenties". Good to know!
This is, not only my first birthday away from home, but my first special event that I don't get to spend with my family and close friends. I've been lucky enough and Js has been able to come home for all my birthdays so far (Even if it meant him not sleeping for over 48 hours and involving a 6 hour bus ride.) but this one was just totally out of the question for us. With him in Cornwall on course and me out here, trying to find work and getting settled, there was no way either of us could travel the distance for a short weekend.
Needless to say, knowing this far enough in advance, I'd envisioned my birthday to be a painful day-long torture of tears and sadness. *drama* I knew I was going to miss my family the most that day and I knew it would be hard for my parents to since I wasn't at home to celebrate with them. Overall, it was good. I spent the entire weekend with friends and not by my sad, sad lonesome as I envisioned.
When I woke up the next morning, it was a completely different story. It's like my body did a 180 and said "Eff you, Youth!" I could barely drag my sorry arse to the washroom and splash some cold water on my face. The day was excruciating. It took me a good 2 hours to be able to find/retrieve my phone and then another hour to muster enough energy to return my 4 missed calls from family wanting to wish me a happy birthday. I crawled around the house all day, drank a lot of fluids and avoiding any sudden movements.
I went to bed thinking "I'm still young! I can still party! Oh yeah!" and woke up thinking "Why do I feel like I drank an entire bucket of hot sauce?"
Then, I figured it out. This is what if feels like to go from "early twenties" to "late twenties". Good to know!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Onions in my mailbox
I had a slight melt down this afternoon. The worst yet since moving out here.
I have to pat myself on the back because I think I've been holding it together quite nicely for the last month and a bit. Now, with Js being gone away on training, I've been feeling more lonely but I put so much effort into keeping busy, it's actually working.
I got a package from my aunt this afternoon and it just did me in. She sent me some little gifts and a picture album with some family photos. She wrote me a nice letter and I couldn't even read it more than once over so I put it back into the photo album and it'll be my lifeboat when I miss her.
I also got a card from my grand-parents. *sob* My grand-pa is sick and being away from him is much harder than I thought. He is doing okay right now but that can change from one day to the next and knowing that I won't be able to run to him if ever something happens is eating me up inside.
Back home, I'd miss Js so much and have regular mental breakdowns like this one. I'd go for coffee with Maggie and it would usually settle the situation and help me make it through another week without him.
Missing him is nothing like missing my family. I don't miss them in the same way, it's a totally different kind of "miss".
I have to pat myself on the back because I think I've been holding it together quite nicely for the last month and a bit. Now, with Js being gone away on training, I've been feeling more lonely but I put so much effort into keeping busy, it's actually working.
I got a package from my aunt this afternoon and it just did me in. She sent me some little gifts and a picture album with some family photos. She wrote me a nice letter and I couldn't even read it more than once over so I put it back into the photo album and it'll be my lifeboat when I miss her.
I also got a card from my grand-parents. *sob* My grand-pa is sick and being away from him is much harder than I thought. He is doing okay right now but that can change from one day to the next and knowing that I won't be able to run to him if ever something happens is eating me up inside.
Back home, I'd miss Js so much and have regular mental breakdowns like this one. I'd go for coffee with Maggie and it would usually settle the situation and help me make it through another week without him.
Missing him is nothing like missing my family. I don't miss them in the same way, it's a totally different kind of "miss".
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Welcome Spring! Welcome cake!
Behold! My cake decorating skills! :)

It was actually a lot easier than it looks an so much fun! I was certain I would be in a sugar coma by the time I got home from snacking on the icing. We also learned the technique to make those cartoon ones in cake pans... so I will probably be making a Spider Man for Js at some point!
There are more photos of the progress on my Flickr account!
I'm having friends over tonight to help me eat it all! Watch out sugar rush!
It was actually a lot easier than it looks an so much fun! I was certain I would be in a sugar coma by the time I got home from snacking on the icing. We also learned the technique to make those cartoon ones in cake pans... so I will probably be making a Spider Man for Js at some point!
There are more photos of the progress on my Flickr account!
I'm having friends over tonight to help me eat it all! Watch out sugar rush!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Time goes by fast when you're having fun!
I can't believe how fast Sunday night came! With the weekend plans and all the things that kept coming up last week, I didn't see it coming at all.
I've been spending a lot of time working on some personal projects and getting my ducks in a row in regards to things I want to do in the somewhat-near future. Like planning our wedding and getting some new employment opportunities. It's exciting and kind of terrifying too. I'm working on all these things that seem so attainable, I'm worried I'll just crash and burn when it comes down to in in a couple of months/years! For now, it keeps me entertained, sane and occupied which is what matters, right? It seems like I spent all day either doing research or coming up with a plan. I didn't accomplish much but I didn't waste any time.
I find, when you want to start up something, like a small business or an organization, it's always wiser to give it a lot of thought before taking it anywhere. Duh! I know that sounds like an understatement, but when I say a lot of thought, I mean... TONS! Thinking it over for an entire afternoon just doesn't cut it. You need to think it over enough times to work out all the kinks and save yourself many headaches.
Tomorrow I have a busy day and a ton of things to do, I haven't planned out a daily schedule in a while and it's so strange.
I decided to attend some of the classes that were offered at the MFRC and I think it's going to work out well for me. I like crafty things and I'm always interested in learning something new, so we'll see where that goes. I'm going to a cake decorating class tomorrow so I have to rush home after my volunteering and prepare the cake I need to bring over to decorate later. Now, before I get attacked by a certain someone because I said I'd never be the muffin-baking-house-wife... Shush! I'm going because it's something artsy that I've never tried and because Js is away and it'll give me something to do for one evening out of the week. I could be making icing roses (*gag*) on top of a rock, it'd be the same to me. (And probably will taste the same as my cake!) For those who are supportive, I will post some photos if it's worth it at all.
I've also been writing a bit more lately. I neglected my creative writing lately but only because I can't seem to find any inspiration for it. All I can come up with is informative stuff. It could be because I'm not working, I feel the need to use up all my productive energy somehow... I started three different posts over the weekend that I haven't posted yet because I'm not done the research to complete them.
This is probably the longest I haven't worked in my entire life and it's not like I'm sitting here, being unproductive and lazy... I've got my mind working overtime on some great things for the next little while...
I feel like my mind is all over the place. I just hope it stays this way for the next 40 days or so...
I've been spending a lot of time working on some personal projects and getting my ducks in a row in regards to things I want to do in the somewhat-near future. Like planning our wedding and getting some new employment opportunities. It's exciting and kind of terrifying too. I'm working on all these things that seem so attainable, I'm worried I'll just crash and burn when it comes down to in in a couple of months/years! For now, it keeps me entertained, sane and occupied which is what matters, right? It seems like I spent all day either doing research or coming up with a plan. I didn't accomplish much but I didn't waste any time.
I find, when you want to start up something, like a small business or an organization, it's always wiser to give it a lot of thought before taking it anywhere. Duh! I know that sounds like an understatement, but when I say a lot of thought, I mean... TONS! Thinking it over for an entire afternoon just doesn't cut it. You need to think it over enough times to work out all the kinks and save yourself many headaches.
Tomorrow I have a busy day and a ton of things to do, I haven't planned out a daily schedule in a while and it's so strange.
I decided to attend some of the classes that were offered at the MFRC and I think it's going to work out well for me. I like crafty things and I'm always interested in learning something new, so we'll see where that goes. I'm going to a cake decorating class tomorrow so I have to rush home after my volunteering and prepare the cake I need to bring over to decorate later. Now, before I get attacked by a certain someone because I said I'd never be the muffin-baking-house-wife... Shush! I'm going because it's something artsy that I've never tried and because Js is away and it'll give me something to do for one evening out of the week. I could be making icing roses (*gag*) on top of a rock, it'd be the same to me. (And probably will taste the same as my cake!) For those who are supportive, I will post some photos if it's worth it at all.
I've also been writing a bit more lately. I neglected my creative writing lately but only because I can't seem to find any inspiration for it. All I can come up with is informative stuff. It could be because I'm not working, I feel the need to use up all my productive energy somehow... I started three different posts over the weekend that I haven't posted yet because I'm not done the research to complete them.
This is probably the longest I haven't worked in my entire life and it's not like I'm sitting here, being unproductive and lazy... I've got my mind working overtime on some great things for the next little while...
I feel like my mind is all over the place. I just hope it stays this way for the next 40 days or so...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Girls night out
Friendship is a weird thing.
I got home this morning after a night of partying it up in Regina with some girlfriends for their birthdays and it was awesome!
We had a great time, rented a room, went to a comedy show thingy and danced the night away at a club. You know how long it's been since my last crazy night out on the town with the girls? January! We had some people over for drinks a couple of times and we went out a bunch of friends out here but never really just girls.
We spent a large chunk of our evening hanging out in the hotel room, getting ready, drinking and sharing stories about each of our crazy drunken adventures. It took me back to a couple of years ago (or that girl's night in January!) and it was great to laugh at myself and the stoooopid things I've done. Oh my!
Side Note :I'm kind of glad I didn't start blogging back then. This way, there's no record of anything and hopefully my brain lets me forget the most part before I have kids. Now, I can pick and choose the stories I want to blog about and immortalize on the pages of Blogger. Ha!
I miss my girlfriends from back home. I really like the girlfriends I've made out here, they're friggen awesome!
The thing about friendships when you're involved with the military lifestyle is you can't really say "Remember, when we were kids, we did this and that and the other thing!?" to just anyone because chances are, you just met them a couple of years or months ago. You'll come across some people you knew before or make friends that just stick around for longer... but the words "Me and her, we go way back!" don't really resonate with the same sense.
You have some friends who will stick around and travel to visit you no matter how boring your new town is. Those are the ones you hold closest to your heart and you nurture that relationship like your life depends on it. Those are the true friends and you know they'll be there through thick and thin. If they've been there this long, they support your relationship, your life style and most importantly, your choices. Not everyone can have that kind of connection though. Some friends will come and go and it's all in good fun. Eventually, you learn that loosing touch with a friend isn't a bad thing. It doesn't mean that you don't love them anymore or that you don't care, life is just like that!
Everyone around me comes from somewhere different. Some have known each other for a bit longer, some just got here but everyone is used to it. I'm making friends now and that's all that matters, as for how long we'll/they'll be here, no one really knows and that's the beauty of it.
Most of the time, you find yourself sharing stories about your past experiences and it's okay because that's what everybody does! As long as you're making new stories, you'll be fine!
I got home this morning after a night of partying it up in Regina with some girlfriends for their birthdays and it was awesome!
We had a great time, rented a room, went to a comedy show thingy and danced the night away at a club. You know how long it's been since my last crazy night out on the town with the girls? January! We had some people over for drinks a couple of times and we went out a bunch of friends out here but never really just girls.
We spent a large chunk of our evening hanging out in the hotel room, getting ready, drinking and sharing stories about each of our crazy drunken adventures. It took me back to a couple of years ago (or that girl's night in January!) and it was great to laugh at myself and the stoooopid things I've done. Oh my!
Side Note :I'm kind of glad I didn't start blogging back then. This way, there's no record of anything and hopefully my brain lets me forget the most part before I have kids. Now, I can pick and choose the stories I want to blog about and immortalize on the pages of Blogger. Ha!
I miss my girlfriends from back home. I really like the girlfriends I've made out here, they're friggen awesome!
You have some friends who will stick around and travel to visit you no matter how boring your new town is. Those are the ones you hold closest to your heart and you nurture that relationship like your life depends on it. Those are the true friends and you know they'll be there through thick and thin. If they've been there this long, they support your relationship, your life style and most importantly, your choices. Not everyone can have that kind of connection though. Some friends will come and go and it's all in good fun. Eventually, you learn that loosing touch with a friend isn't a bad thing. It doesn't mean that you don't love them anymore or that you don't care, life is just like that!
Everyone around me comes from somewhere different. Some have known each other for a bit longer, some just got here but everyone is used to it. I'm making friends now and that's all that matters, as for how long we'll/they'll be here, no one really knows and that's the beauty of it.
Most of the time, you find yourself sharing stories about your past experiences and it's okay because that's what everybody does! As long as you're making new stories, you'll be fine!
Friday, April 17, 2009
What comfort zone?!
I figured I would push my comfort zone boundaries to their max while I already had a head start. Moving half way across the country has made me realize that I can do anything I set my mind to. I'd already overcome many things by moving to Ottawa for school and then living on my own for a while and taking on a very demanding job to name a few. Still, I never thought I would be where I am now.
It's been a huge deal for me to be away from everything that is familiar and building a life here from scratch. It's been awesome to get along with Js' friends out here and I'm really lucky they along with me too! It made it so much easier and yesterday I realized that I was starting to make friends of my own. People Js doesn't know and I'm starting to settle more and more into this teeny community.
I applied for a job that is totally outside of my comfort zone too. I heard through the branches they were looking for someone and then thought : I swore to myself I wouldn't work there. Then people kept bringing it up to me and I finally gave in and sent my resume. I don't have that much experience to qualify for the job, but from what I understand, the previous employee had no brain. So we'll wait and see how it goes and hope for the best. It's totally not what I was going for, but it's an opportunity and I really don't want to miss out on learning something new.
It's terrifying not knowing where the heck your life is going... but not as terrifying as knowing exactly where you're headed.
It's been a huge deal for me to be away from everything that is familiar and building a life here from scratch. It's been awesome to get along with Js' friends out here and I'm really lucky they along with me too! It made it so much easier and yesterday I realized that I was starting to make friends of my own. People Js doesn't know and I'm starting to settle more and more into this teeny community.
I applied for a job that is totally outside of my comfort zone too. I heard through the branches they were looking for someone and then thought : I swore to myself I wouldn't work there. Then people kept bringing it up to me and I finally gave in and sent my resume. I don't have that much experience to qualify for the job, but from what I understand, the previous employee had no brain. So we'll wait and see how it goes and hope for the best. It's totally not what I was going for, but it's an opportunity and I really don't want to miss out on learning something new.
It's terrifying not knowing where the heck your life is going... but not as terrifying as knowing exactly where you're headed.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Airplane noises
It took me a while to get used to the airplanes buzzing over the house from early morning until dinner time when I first got here.
The very first week, I remember thinking it was kind of awesome to see those planes every single day and it was quite impressive to see air show practices and stuff. I was the fool who looks out the window every fifteen minutes for about a week.
I quickly got used to them though. Because we live so close to a field, there isn't much to block the sound so they get quite loud. Plus, we live RIGHT underneath some path that they follow most of the time. You'd think they'd pick the OTHER side, you know... the one that's not right over the residential part of the base... the empty field over there!? It's actually quite loud. We can be sitting in the living room on Js' day off and he'll be able to name what kind of plane just by the noise. He called me once to warn me and ask me to take some pictures because there was going to be a bunch of them... and I had a hard time taking a video of them without the house getting in the way.
This weekend, no one was flying because of the long Easter weekend. I noticed the quiet-ness only yesterday and thought it was quite nice. They normally don't fly the weekends or the late evenings, but weekends are so short, I guess I really bothered to noticed.
This morning, they are back up again and I feel so silly. I missed the noise. The noise reminds me of Js and every time I hear a plane, I think of him. Usually he's working (Oh! Air Force!) and it makes me feel so happy and proud because I know he loves his job.
Now he's gone on training and I miss him so I'm happy to hear the planes and I'm happy to see them zoom right above our home.
I'm crazy!
The very first week, I remember thinking it was kind of awesome to see those planes every single day and it was quite impressive to see air show practices and stuff. I was the fool who looks out the window every fifteen minutes for about a week.
I quickly got used to them though. Because we live so close to a field, there isn't much to block the sound so they get quite loud. Plus, we live RIGHT underneath some path that they follow most of the time. You'd think they'd pick the OTHER side, you know... the one that's not right over the residential part of the base... the empty field over there!? It's actually quite loud. We can be sitting in the living room on Js' day off and he'll be able to name what kind of plane just by the noise. He called me once to warn me and ask me to take some pictures because there was going to be a bunch of them... and I had a hard time taking a video of them without the house getting in the way.
This weekend, no one was flying because of the long Easter weekend. I noticed the quiet-ness only yesterday and thought it was quite nice. They normally don't fly the weekends or the late evenings, but weekends are so short, I guess I really bothered to noticed.
This morning, they are back up again and I feel so silly. I missed the noise. The noise reminds me of Js and every time I hear a plane, I think of him. Usually he's working (Oh! Air Force!) and it makes me feel so happy and proud because I know he loves his job.
Now he's gone on training and I miss him so I'm happy to hear the planes and I'm happy to see them zoom right above our home.
I'm crazy!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Welcome Cedar and Doug!
I've been meaning to post about my 2 latest house guests and I totally forgot with Easter weekend and everything, but here they are!
I am dog sitting some puppies for a friend out here and they have been great (although stinky!) company. They made me a bit nervous because it took them a good 2 days before they pooped for the first time but they've been making up for it today. I guess they felt they should prepare an Easter egg hunt for me to thank me for my hospitality. *mmm*
This is Cedar, he's an 8 year old collie-lab mix. He's not as energetic as I think he'd be, I guess age is a big factor here. He's still very cuddly and playful though.
There is also Doug, I haven't been able to get a really good shot of him. He's 10 years old and he's a collie-lab mix too but he looks more like a lab with collie ears. He's got a hip problem so he's not super energetic either, but he's very vocal. He grunts and "smiles" when you pet him and he's a big suck for cuddles too.
They are awesome together. They play and clean out each other's ears. We went for a long walk today and I think Cedar is adjusting to my walks a bit quicker than Doug but we're working on that.
It's great to have them around, it keeps me occupied and motivates me to take walks and move around a bit... aside from the poop-scooping, I'm enjoying it! :)
This is Cedar, he's an 8 year old collie-lab mix. He's not as energetic as I think he'd be, I guess age is a big factor here. He's still very cuddly and playful though.
There is also Doug, I haven't been able to get a really good shot of him. He's 10 years old and he's a collie-lab mix too but he looks more like a lab with collie ears. He's got a hip problem so he's not super energetic either, but he's very vocal. He grunts and "smiles" when you pet him and he's a big suck for cuddles too.
They are awesome together. They play and clean out each other's ears. We went for a long walk today and I think Cedar is adjusting to my walks a bit quicker than Doug but we're working on that.
It's great to have them around, it keeps me occupied and motivates me to take walks and move around a bit... aside from the poop-scooping, I'm enjoying it! :)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
... but for how long?! I'll be lucky if I can stay awake long enough to write and post something. I've been sleeping on and off today, all day. It seems like every second I'm not doing anything my body goes "Well, now's the perfect time for a nap... on your computer chair!" My face hurts from sleeping. I shit you not. It's sort of irritated from the couch cushions and my cheeks are sore from all the squishing! I'm not sure if it's due to lack of sleep over the last week, because Js is gone or simply because I caught the flu, but seriously, it's annoying!
I decided that tomorrow I'm not going to give myself a chance to pass out every couple of hours. I'm going to keep moving all day and see where that takes me... If I really can't take it, then I'm probably sick. If I'm fine all day, then it's probably chronic boredom.
Js has been gone for a couple of days, 3 to be exact and I have to get back into a routine. I'll go crazy if I spend the entire 2 months dragging my sorry butt around all the time. I don't sleep very well when he leaves. It gets better after a couple of days (or drinks!) but until I get used to it, it's a royal pain!
I may have found a source of income that can keep me entertained for a little while so I'm kind of excited for that. I'll know more about it tomorrow but I'm hoping it works out. More on that later...
Haven't had much to blog about lately. This morning I ate Fruit Loops for the first time in... ever. Last time I had some, Js was in Kuujjuaq. That was kind of exciting?!
Gah... I guess I'll just go nap a bit...
(BTW... Youtube "Narcoleptic Dog"!)
I decided that tomorrow I'm not going to give myself a chance to pass out every couple of hours. I'm going to keep moving all day and see where that takes me... If I really can't take it, then I'm probably sick. If I'm fine all day, then it's probably chronic boredom.
Js has been gone for a couple of days, 3 to be exact and I have to get back into a routine. I'll go crazy if I spend the entire 2 months dragging my sorry butt around all the time. I don't sleep very well when he leaves. It gets better after a couple of days (or drinks!) but until I get used to it, it's a royal pain!
I may have found a source of income that can keep me entertained for a little while so I'm kind of excited for that. I'll know more about it tomorrow but I'm hoping it works out. More on that later...
Haven't had much to blog about lately. This morning I ate Fruit Loops for the first time in... ever. Last time I had some, Js was in Kuujjuaq. That was kind of exciting?!
Gah... I guess I'll just go nap a bit...
(BTW... Youtube "Narcoleptic Dog"!)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
This morning SUCKS!
Gah! How does Murphy's law go again... whatever could happen, will happen or something like that!?
So J was leaving this morning (4am) for his course in Cornwall, he has to catch a plane from Regina to Winnipeg and then from Winnipeg to Montreal and then hops on a train that will take him to Cornwall. So he's looking at 11-12 hours of traveling today. He asked to fly to Ottawa instead where he could get family to drive him to Cornwall but that would actually cost like 500$ more or something so they wouldn't let him... So yeah... long effing day for him!
Back story : His car is a standard and I don't drive stick. I can't drive him to Regina and it's about a 45 minute drive. Boo!
He'd asked one of his buddies to drive him and I was going to go along with them to say good bye at the airport and help his friend stay awake for the drive back. His friend called us this morning at about 3am and he's sick and needs to go to the hospital pronto. He says he'll try to make it back in time or find someone to bring us back his car so I can drive J to Regina if he has to stay at the hospital. Gah!
Faithful to my good habits, I'd just fallen asleep around 2:30am so I was groggy and confused and J was worried about his friend and worried about making it to Regina in time to catch his flight. Basically : we're fucked.
So we both try to figure out a way out of this one. I haven't driven in over a month and a half, I don't have my glasses and don't know the way back from the airport. I'm probably going to be a sobbing mess the entire drive back and he'll stress out about something happening to his buddy's car (and me!) so me driving him back does not sound like a good idea. With only about half an hour of sleep to top it all, it's a no-go!
It's too late to call a cab and he can't very much leave his car in Regina for the whole duration of his course cause it's like 20 bucks a night or something.
So now, he's on his way to Regina in his car and tomorrow (well, later today!) I have to find someone who can drive stick but has an automatic car and ask them to drive with me to Regina so I can drive their car back and they can drive J's car back. Ugh! It's not gonna be easy... "Hey! Wanna screw your plans for Sunday and drive our car back from Regina for us?!" Awe-some!
He left and we were both super stressed because of the car, his friend and the whole deal! Ugh! It sucked! I would have much rather an awkward good bye in front of his friend at the airport, half asleep and smelling of Timmy's coffee than a stressed out hurried good bye at the front door. I guess this way I can go back to sleep (who am I kidding!?) right away and have more of a normal day to get my mind off things...
So just felt the need to share/vent/get it off my chest... I hope he makes it on time for his flight and I can figure out a way to go get his car ASAP. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
So J was leaving this morning (4am) for his course in Cornwall, he has to catch a plane from Regina to Winnipeg and then from Winnipeg to Montreal and then hops on a train that will take him to Cornwall. So he's looking at 11-12 hours of traveling today. He asked to fly to Ottawa instead where he could get family to drive him to Cornwall but that would actually cost like 500$ more or something so they wouldn't let him... So yeah... long effing day for him!
Back story : His car is a standard and I don't drive stick. I can't drive him to Regina and it's about a 45 minute drive. Boo!
He'd asked one of his buddies to drive him and I was going to go along with them to say good bye at the airport and help his friend stay awake for the drive back. His friend called us this morning at about 3am and he's sick and needs to go to the hospital pronto. He says he'll try to make it back in time or find someone to bring us back his car so I can drive J to Regina if he has to stay at the hospital. Gah!
Faithful to my good habits, I'd just fallen asleep around 2:30am so I was groggy and confused and J was worried about his friend and worried about making it to Regina in time to catch his flight. Basically : we're fucked.
So we both try to figure out a way out of this one. I haven't driven in over a month and a half, I don't have my glasses and don't know the way back from the airport. I'm probably going to be a sobbing mess the entire drive back and he'll stress out about something happening to his buddy's car (and me!) so me driving him back does not sound like a good idea. With only about half an hour of sleep to top it all, it's a no-go!
It's too late to call a cab and he can't very much leave his car in Regina for the whole duration of his course cause it's like 20 bucks a night or something.
So now, he's on his way to Regina in his car and tomorrow (well, later today!) I have to find someone who can drive stick but has an automatic car and ask them to drive with me to Regina so I can drive their car back and they can drive J's car back. Ugh! It's not gonna be easy... "Hey! Wanna screw your plans for Sunday and drive our car back from Regina for us?!" Awe-some!
He left and we were both super stressed because of the car, his friend and the whole deal! Ugh! It sucked! I would have much rather an awkward good bye in front of his friend at the airport, half asleep and smelling of Timmy's coffee than a stressed out hurried good bye at the front door. I guess this way I can go back to sleep (who am I kidding!?) right away and have more of a normal day to get my mind off things...
So just felt the need to share/vent/get it off my chest... I hope he makes it on time for his flight and I can figure out a way to go get his car ASAP. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Blogs Blues
Damn coffee! Js gave me a huge cup of it after dinner and now I can't sleep. Way to go, love!
I'm sitting here, in my old wicker chair in my cold "office" thinking : I should blog about something. Anything other than my cat - he's fine, by the way. I think it was something he ate.
There isn't much to blog about when you don't work, don't really have much to do or anywhere to go.
I remember when I started blogging, I was almost ashamed to admit it. I thought it was strange and figured no one cared about what I did all day or what I thought about this, that and the other thing. I must admit it's grown on me and now, it's part of my daily routine. I either blog or read blogs almost daily and it sounds boring, but I like it.
Couple of days ago I was catching up on some blog-reading and I saw that, finally, one of my favorite bloggers had posted something new. It had been a while and it made me realize how much fun her blog is. Sadly, her new post was to announce that she's been thinking about taking a step back from blogging for a bit... :( *tear* Hopefully she changes her mind!
I've been considering giving my Mom my blog address... Bad idea?
I'm sitting here, in my old wicker chair in my cold "office" thinking : I should blog about something. Anything other than my cat - he's fine, by the way. I think it was something he ate.
There isn't much to blog about when you don't work, don't really have much to do or anywhere to go.
I remember when I started blogging, I was almost ashamed to admit it. I thought it was strange and figured no one cared about what I did all day or what I thought about this, that and the other thing. I must admit it's grown on me and now, it's part of my daily routine. I either blog or read blogs almost daily and it sounds boring, but I like it.
Couple of days ago I was catching up on some blog-reading and I saw that, finally, one of my favorite bloggers had posted something new. It had been a while and it made me realize how much fun her blog is. Sadly, her new post was to announce that she's been thinking about taking a step back from blogging for a bit... :( *tear* Hopefully she changes her mind!
I've been considering giving my Mom my blog address... Bad idea?
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