I got home this morning after a night of partying it up in Regina with some girlfriends for their birthdays and it was awesome!
We had a great time, rented a room, went to a comedy show thingy and danced the night away at a club. You know how long it's been since my last crazy night out on the town with the girls? January! We had some people over for drinks a couple of times and we went out a bunch of friends out here but never really just girls.
We spent a large chunk of our evening hanging out in the hotel room, getting ready, drinking and sharing stories about each of our crazy drunken adventures. It took me back to a couple of years ago (or that girl's night in January!) and it was great to laugh at myself and the stoooopid things I've done. Oh my!
Side Note :I'm kind of glad I didn't start blogging back then. This way, there's no record of anything and hopefully my brain lets me forget the most part before I have kids. Now, I can pick and choose the stories I want to blog about and immortalize on the pages of Blogger. Ha!
I miss my girlfriends from back home. I really like the girlfriends I've made out here, they're friggen awesome!
You have some friends who will stick around and travel to visit you no matter how boring your new town is. Those are the ones you hold closest to your heart and you nurture that relationship like your life depends on it. Those are the true friends and you know they'll be there through thick and thin. If they've been there this long, they support your relationship, your life style and most importantly, your choices. Not everyone can have that kind of connection though. Some friends will come and go and it's all in good fun. Eventually, you learn that loosing touch with a friend isn't a bad thing. It doesn't mean that you don't love them anymore or that you don't care, life is just like that!
Everyone around me comes from somewhere different. Some have known each other for a bit longer, some just got here but everyone is used to it. I'm making friends now and that's all that matters, as for how long we'll/they'll be here, no one really knows and that's the beauty of it.
Most of the time, you find yourself sharing stories about your past experiences and it's okay because that's what everybody does! As long as you're making new stories, you'll be fine!
Just wanted to tell you that I loved you! Haha.
Ps- you look really pretty in your picture!
Loved!? Loved?! PAST TENSE!?
*heart breaks*
Haha I'm drunk. I meant L O V E. No past tense. Haha
*heart mends*
I have what I refer to as "The MB Clause", in that, anyone who visits me in this hell hole can visit me wherever I go - those who don't have no right to visit me when I live somewhere "cooler". Hahaha...
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