Which leads to our latest addiction : The Big Bang Theory.
It's a nice change of pace from Lost going from edge-of-your-seat-thrills to geeky-reference-jokes-until-your-sides-hurt-humor. We like to keep a semblance of balance.
I had watched a couple episodes randomly and thought the show was okay at best. Js started watching it a bit more and then borrowed seasons 1 and 2 on DVD from a friend... insta-hook!
You really have to start watching the show from the beginning to see the characters evolve and understand all the stoopid little references and the geeky jokes.
The only thing that gets on my nerves is that chick. Penny. Ugh. I haven't decided just yet if it's because of the actress or the actual character but my skin crawls when she tries to be witty or thinks she's just so wonderful. We've only watched the first 2 seasons and I really hope whoever writes her lines gets a swift kick in the cubes.
Also, I'm very jealous of their constant-take-out-food. They are always eating Thai food or Chinese and mama wants some. They also keep talking about Indian food and it's driving me bonkers. I miss all the restaurants in Ottawa and being able to get take-out as I so choose and never having to order from the same place twice within the month. *sigh*
I love this show. Have Seasons 1 & 2 on dvd. :)
Bazinga!! ;)
But yes, it's the best show ever. The Christmas Episode where Sheldon gets Leonard Nemoy's DNA! PRICELESS!!!!
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