Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bad Mane Day

So a few nights ago, I decided it would be a good idea to use these little roller-thingies in my hair. Why not?

Here's why.

So I washed my hair, towel dried it a bit and went to town with the rollers. No product. No nothing. Just pure, unskilled, totally improvised hair stylin'.

You guessed it, more than half the rollers had fallen out during the night. So the back part of my hair was curled in spots and straight as a pin in others. The rollers on the sides and top of my head had stayed put and tightly so.

The image in the mirror was quite frightening. With every roller I took out of my hair, the more I looked like Mufasa from The Lion King. Js walked by the bathroom and started singing The Lion King song... confirming any doubts that I had about going the hairstyling career route.

It was too late to shower again or do anything about it so I stuck a hairband on my head and stuffed what frizzy hair I could into a disheveled pony tail attempt.

I am still hearing The Lion King song. The hairband did nothing.
I woke up this morning to my husband singing The Lion King song.

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