Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Blind Woman Walking

Oh sweet mercy, I can't believe I haven't blogged about this yet.

A few days after the first snow, it's bitterly cold outside and Moose Jaw being Moose Jaw, the streets are very long and narrow skating rink at the best of times.

I'm the second car in line at an intersection in the left-turning lane waiting for the light to turn green. I see there's people waiting to cross the street in front of us but I don't make a huge deal of it because, well... they're waiting and that's what they're supposed to do.

Finally, the light turns green and everyone takes off... including the BLIND woman who was waiting to cross the street. Yes, she is blind, waving her white cane into the air and holding her hand up in her best attempt to "stop" us from running her over. I swear the car in front of me stopped just shy of two feet away from her.

A BLIND jay-walking woman nearly caused a pile-up at one of the busiest intersections in this bloody city.

*mind blown* and sadness for the poor woman.

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