Friday, May 27, 2011

You want me to... what?!

Funny thing happened to me in the Dr's office...

So as you all know, I live with some anxiety issues (I hate saying "suffer from") and I have no shame in admitting that my tired little brain and shriveled little heart can't take on all by themselves and that I, after much consideration and deliberation with my doctor, decided that medication would be safe and helpful. I've been on it for quite some time now and I have no intentions on being on it forever. I have a whole rant about anxiety medication but I'll save it for another post. Anyhow...

A couple months ago, I visited my doctor to refill my prescription. It was the first time I'd seen her since Mom had passed so when she asked how I was doing I told her what had happened but didn't really but any emphasis and really said it matter-of-factly so that she wouldn't bug me with questions or try to stuff more meds down my throat. It worked because it seems she thought I said my Mom was sick.

But, it made for a funny story this time around...

Her : So how are you doing?
Me : Good. Work's good and things seem to finally be looking up. *smile*
Her : Great! So, you've been on this medication for quite some time now... do you think it would be a good time to start thinking of lowering your dose?
Me : I'm sorry, what?
Her : Well, I know you don't want to be on them for longer than you absolutely need. Do you think now would be a good time to start thinking of stopping them?
Me : HA!
Her : *confused*
Me : Do you want a short synopsis of the last 8 months of my life?!
Her : *confused more*

I won't go into much detail because you pretty much know the story.

Her : *silent*
Me : So... yeah... no.
Her : Do you want more?

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