Sunday, December 20, 2009

Home for the Holidays

I'm leaving tomorrow (!!) to go home for the Holidays and I'll be back in a week. Oy, the planning that went into this visit better have been worth it!!

It's going to be nuts!! I am trying to see as many people as I can on a very limited time frame. I'd also like a bit of time to relax... but we'll see.

We decided it would be a good idea for me to visit the family and for Js to stay here this Holiday season. It was Js' idea and when we looked at the pros and cons, it just made more sense.
It'll be odd to be apart for the Holidays but we've been lucky enough to have spent all our Holidays together this far, it's not a HUGE deal.

We'll celebrate our own little Christmas on December 29th! Christm'us! :)

That being said, I'm not sure how much internet access or how much time I'll have so I'd like to wish you all a happy Holiday season! Enjoy the small things and be safe!

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