Sunday, October 24, 2010

--blank stare--

I must have started to write 8 different blog posts over the last two weeks. It's been especially difficult to but words to paper (computer screen?) because it's hard to figure out where to start. So many emotions that I can't even begin to explain and so many thoughts, I don't know where to start.

I'm settling in back at home and getting used to the new life. Coming back to a new job also means a totally new lifestyle for us but it'll all work out in the end. I've been keeping busy with friends, work and some stuff I've been meaning to do around the house. Let's hope that lasts me long enough so I can get back to semi-normal life.

Yesterday I had a moment. I talked to my Dad on the phone and it was just a reminder of how far away he is. It's easy to pretend that he just lives down the street, that my Mom is just at work. When reminders come along, that's when it gets rough. I can't just call her at work or leave her a Facebook message asking her to call me later. She won't. She's gone and I don't want to be reminded.


Janny A. said...

Oh sweetie... There are no words that could ever make this better, but sending you some giant hugs. :(

Lovely Lori said...

(((hugs))) The little reminders are the worst. Feel what you feel you are allowed... take your time xoxo

Danielle said...

Sending you lots of love, darling...xoxo

Maggie said...

Love. xox


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