Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.

Maggie and I have been bestest friends since we were about 6 or 7 years old. She came up to me and asked if I wanted to be her friend and I said yes. I guess, on some level, I appreciated her upfront-ness and knew she'd be someone I could count on for her honesty and genuineness for the rest of my life.

You know how everyone says you shouldn't move in with your best friend because that always ruins friendship? That rule (or any other rule, for that matter) does not apply to us. We lived together for three years when we moved to Ottawa to go to college or university.

Then she moved in with her boyfriend, now husband, and we kept in touch with nearly-weekly coffee dates or crap-food-eating fests at a nearby Denny's.

Maggie also encouraged me to "go for it" and give in to my feelings for Js. When Js and I were finally good and ready to admit we dating she was thrilled. As the universe wanted it, we'd have something else to bring us even closer together. Both our husbands-to-be were in the Air Force.

Now only once province away, we make a point of visiting each other every chance we get and spend countless hours emailing back and forth in the mean time.

The above picture was taken at Maggie's wedding - it was a gorgeous day!


Unknown said...

This entry makes my heart squee!!!

Maggie said...

I love you! :) And I (already, I know!) miss you so! Can't believe (well I can, but I refuse to) I won't get to see you for the first Christmas in forever! POO! Anyways, just wanted to say how special your post made me feel! *flutters* :) xoxox


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