Sunday, July 17, 2011


Js has been gone for a week and I wish I could say I've been super productive this week but it would be a huge lie. I have done... NOTHING. I did the dishes once or twice because well... I ran out of plates and cups.

I have a rule that I allow myself a NOTHING-day for each week that he'll be gone. I'm on day 6 of NOTHING and he's only gone 4 weeks this time around. Fail. I blame PMS.

So today I have to suck it up and actually do something productive. I have started a little at-home way-part-time-job so I have to send in a report for that. Of course, I don't have the proper software on either of our three laptops at home so I have to go in to work this afternoon. Also, my friend is leaving for a month to go visit her family back in Quebec so we're planning to have dinner together tonight. Great reason to shower and get dressed, right there! :)

I also have to clean up after by slobby self this afternoon because I'm hosting a trunk show on Monday evening and Jack can be as charming and cute as he'd like, it won't make up for a couch covered in kitty fur.

I think it's important to keep up some kind of routine while Js is away because it keeps me sane and moving. It's so tempting to watch sappy movies, eat all the ice cream I want and just snuggle with the pets on weekends. That's why I allow myself a few days... that way, I have a deadline and I know I have to kick things back in gear but it also allows me to have a little pity-party in the privacy of my own home and not bore (read : annoy) everyone around me with about it.

It's important to know how to stay alone. I never thought about it before because, well, it was never part of my reality before. You're face with two options : Sob all the way home and wait by the door like a little puppy for his return or adapt your lifestyle and hold the fort by yourself until he's back. Wanna guess which one I'm aiming for?

Sure, yes - I know, he's in a safe place, doing a safe job and that only for a grand total of 4 weeks. I am totally not complaining, at all. I just feel like if I let it all go this time around, I'll lose it when duty call's him to go somewhere not so safe and doing a not so safe job. But that's for a totally different post... ;)

Well, I should practice what I preach and get off my tush and actually get that laundry started. I *HATE* doing laundry. It's usually one of the first things that make me miss him the most... ;)

1 comment:

Chantale said...

when my honey was got for 4 weeks in April/May I did the same thing.. No cleaning at all during the first week. But I was pretty busy with my reviews oh and I also didn't really eat much but that was because I wasn't feeling well.

But the next few weeks I stayed super busy and by the time night he came home the house was spotless lol


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