Monday, May 25, 2009

Confused Pedestrian Crossing

Does anyone remember the little educational videos they make you watch when your a kid so you won't get run over crossing the street?

"Look over on the left, then right, then left again, then if you can't see any cars, you can start walking. If you can see a car, wait."

If you ever move to Saskatchewan, scratch that! You can see the cars coming for MILES and it gets damn confusing!

It's a straight street, I can see the car but I know it won't be here for another 2 minutes. I have plenty of time to cross the street, do the chicken dance and walk back and forth a couple times but that little voice in my brain still says I should wait because I can SEE the car and it's coming towards me. So I stand there, not too sure if I should cross or not and I can picture the driver going "Are ya' gonna cross the street or are ya gonna stand there for days?!" and I don't like it.

I'm curious to see an educational video to teach Saskatchewan kids to cross the street... and I will secretly take notes.

Even a simple walk to the "dépaneur" out here is a culture shock!

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