Monday, September 20, 2010

Sickly McComplainerson

Woah. A whole week without a post. Where are my manners?

Well, there's been lots going on 'round here. I'm finally getting over this cold and gaining some of my normal energy back which has been quite productive. Js got my cold so he spent the weekend heavily medicated pouting like a big baby.

"I'md sick."
He spent two days like this. Two days of laying on the couch, sighing loudly and snotting on everything.

Me : How are you feeling Honey?
Him : I'md sick.
Me : Awh. Want some soup?
Him : I'md sick.
Me : Are you cold? Want another blanky?
Him : I'md sick.
Me : ... oh... you're sick! You should have said something...

Why is it that men always think they get it worse than we do? Seriously! All week, I was feeling queezy and sneezy and lazy... but it couldn't possibly me that bad. Then he gets it and it's like his world is ending. Oh, the agony!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please refer to the last paragraph (or so) of this entry for my opinion on this subject ;)

Men... such babies!!!!!


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