Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stress. Sleep. Not good.

Ugh! I've been having a very hard time to shake off the sleepy-numb feeling lately. I can't wake up in the morning and I can't seem to fall asleep at night. I'll fall asleep anytime during the day as soon as my head hits the pillow. What's going on?

My sleep patterns are shite. I'm feeling sick constantly but I think it's from lack of quality sleep time. I've made efforts to eat better and more consistently this week, I'm doing a bit better, but still not back to my normal Me.

Is it because Js is coming home soon? Nerves? The Holidays? Health issues? PMSing? I don't know anymore!

Maybe it's the day light thing? I'm done work at 5pm and by the time I leave the mall, it's dark outside. What the eff is up with that? I always feel like sleeping because it's always night outside... then I nap during the day and can't sleep during normal hours! That might be it... but right now, I really really want this to stop. I can't be this tired for when Js comes home. It's going to be a c-r-a-z-y time for me. Work's going to be insane. I will want to spend every extra minute with him! Ugh!

Would someone just inject some Vitamin C or something in my veins so I can make it to December 19th in one piece? I hate that I will probably be a mess by the time he comes home because of work and everything else I have to do. I hate that I will be uber tired and probably will need to run around for some Holiday errands and such...

I'm so afraid that this won't be a great Holiday season for us! With all the stresses that we are living right now, it's hard to imagine things going smoothly.

Way to go, Marie. When you're stressed and worried about something, create something else to add to your stress and worry. *rolls eyes*

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