Tuesday, April 7, 2009


... but for how long?! I'll be lucky if I can stay awake long enough to write and post something. I've been sleeping on and off today, all day. It seems like every second I'm not doing anything my body goes "Well, now's the perfect time for a nap... on your computer chair!" My face hurts from sleeping. I shit you not. It's sort of irritated from the couch cushions and my cheeks are sore from all the squishing! I'm not sure if it's due to lack of sleep over the last week, because Js is gone or simply because I caught the flu, but seriously, it's annoying!

I decided that tomorrow I'm not going to give myself a chance to pass out every couple of hours. I'm going to keep moving all day and see where that takes me... If I really can't take it, then I'm probably sick. If I'm fine all day, then it's probably chronic boredom.

Js has been gone for a couple of days, 3 to be exact and I have to get back into a routine. I'll go crazy if I spend the entire 2 months dragging my sorry butt around all the time. I don't sleep very well when he leaves. It gets better after a couple of days (or drinks!) but until I get used to it, it's a royal pain!

I may have found a source of income that can keep me entertained for a little while so I'm kind of excited for that. I'll know more about it tomorrow but I'm hoping it works out. More on that later...

Haven't had much to blog about lately. This morning I ate Fruit Loops for the first time in... ever. Last time I had some, Js was in Kuujjuaq. That was kind of exciting?!

Gah... I guess I'll just go nap a bit...

(BTW... Youtube "Narcoleptic Dog"!)

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