Thursday, April 30, 2009

Weekly bore

There's a lot going on this week so why am I so bored? The week is slowly crawling by and I get easily amused so maybe there isn't as much going on as I thought.

I got a job (and that's as much as I can say - company policies and all) and I'm anxious to start on Monday. It will make the next month just fly by! :)

Yes, that's right! Month! Js is back in a month! Well, 29 days as of today, to be exact! *squeal* We're almost half way through this training and I'm really proud of us.

It has been a very difficult course for him. He calls me at the end of his day and he's exhausted and just wants to get some rest because he knows the next day will be the same. They've lost a couple students and they are down to a handful now. I'm sure that isn't the greatest for the moral of the group. He's starting to miss home a lot and of course, Jack and I are somewhere on the list too. He's disappointed he'll miss my first day of work and a bunch of things that are going on at the base in May.

I'm starting to feel like I normally do when I know he'll be home soon. Yes, a month qualifies as soon. I get moody when I'm on the phone with him, my sleeping habits are totally shot (again!) and I have very little patience and very low tolerance for stupidities.

I still have the puppies to take care of but the weather's been so ugly that we haven't walked in a couple of days and they are getting needy. It's a bit better today so maybe we'll go for a short walk. I have a gazillion things left to do to get ready for the weekend and then for work. Laundry galore!

It's like I've got a trazillion things to do but I don't know where to start. Boredom or laziness?

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