Monday, April 12, 2010

Honest Scrap Award! :)

YAY! I got an award!! Meesh at Life On The Farm – In The City decided that I was worthy of the Honest Scrap award. Thanks chickie!

The Honest Scrap Award Rules say that I must:

1. Brag about the award. Done!
2. Include the name of the blogger who gave you the award and link back to that blogger. Of course!
3. Choose a selection of blogs that you find brilliant in honest content. It won’t be easy to pick and choose but I’ll do it!
4. Show their names and links and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with this award. Will do!
5. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Oy!………then pass it on with the instructions!

Here are my ten honest things about myself:

1. I’m OCD about the most random things – paper clips, Christmas cards, facing products and mostly all the little details so one seems to notice. I’m totally cool with the obvious stuff though.
2. If you ask me, Disney is THE happiest place on earth hands down – mainly because it’s so perfect, it suits all my OCD quirks and things don’t make me twitch as much. That AND it’s Ariel’s home, obvies.
3. I think I’m cool when I use words like “obvies”.
4. I’m a giant suck for dimples, large hands and shoulders. *swoon*
5. The only tattoo I have, I designed myself. The same rule applies for all future tattoos.
6. I can’t deal with controlling people – it normally ends one of two ways. I either freak out leading to a tsunami of tears and anxiety… or heads can roll.
7. I only agreed to date Js because I thought he was going to move away and I’d never see him again. That was a total fail… but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
8. It worries me sometimes how much I love my cat.
9. I have every skin condition I’ve ever heard of, except for acne.
10. I’m quickly running out of things to say because I feel like nothing I say is new… It’s all been said before. I guess this proves I’m honest and straight forward about everything.

I am passing this award onto other bloggers who make me smile, laugh, think and kill time. It’s hard to pick and some of my choices have already received the award so in no particular order :

Basic in Stilettos is Ashley’s blog who recently joined the CF and is now blogging about the trials and tribulations of a hot little chickie going through Basic Military Qualification. Ashley is a strong and independent woman that I admire deeply. I wish her all the best and look forward to reading her posts – normally with a little squeal and a dance. She doesn’t have the opportunity to post very regularly with her intense training but when she does, it’s worth it.

Whitney is a good friend I met under strange circumstances – some say strange, some say crazy. Whitney is funny and awesome and I’m always surprised at how alike we are. She’s a fellow military spouse and she has got a lot of wisdom to share. Wanna talk about sucky postings and those damn satellite phones, Whitney’s your gal.

Nick is a wonderful human being, hilarious, queer and cute to boot! Nick blogs his musing about pop-culture and archives his endless ramblings about Lost or other random TV shows and movies.

Just one more…

Lori started a new blog recently to share with the world her beautiful photos. Check them out!

There are a TON more I could award this to… but I have to leave some for the others! Hehe!


PopGeek said...

OOH! Yay! Does that mean I get to do this too? Cuz I tell ya, hyperlinking and all that business: completely beyond me.

Marie said...

Yes. You'll figure it out! :)

Lovely Lori said...

Oh Yay!! I will have to do mine up 1st thing in the morning!!! Thanks girl!!

Unknown said...

Ooh! Yay! My first Blog Award!! Whee! Thanks lady!!


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