Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Short Interruption

So Nick complained that I didn't blog enough and then when I did blog, it wasn't the right *kind* of post... so here's another (probably boring) update on how things are going on here in Casa Del My Brain.

Due to a bunch of old reasons I'm not entirely ready to discuss on here just yet, I'm off work for a short bit. Doctor's orders. Enough time for me to focus on what matters right now and to get out of this rut. I think it'll do me good.

I have never in my life been off work for so long. I've only ever had a Doctor's note for my ear infection from this winter. This will either be very interesting... or very boring.

This also means that I'll have more time to blog, think about random things and document my life away on cyberspace. Hurray! Right... right!?


Unknown said...

Yay for getting out of that poisonous environment! *hugs* Get better!

Marie said...

Thanks! :) You *are* one of the lucky ones.


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