Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The heat is (back) on!

So, we're totally brilliant. Before we left for Ontario and sent all the deposits off for the wedding stuff, we figured we'd put a couple extra bucks towards our utility bills so that we wouldn't be stuck out of money when we came back and it would save us some stress. Wrong.

It appears that we (I) paid one bill twice instead of putting an even amount on both our  power and gas bills. So we got back from the wedding and didn't really feel like going through the gigantic pile of mail that awaited. Plus, we have an equalized payment plan thing (or whatever it's called) so we know how much our bills will be and when they are due. No worries - la-dee-effing-dah.

Friday morning comes around - no hot water in the morning. My neighbor who's husband is away right now asked me to go over before going to work to watch her little baby while she showers. I figure I'll just go a bit early, shower there and ask Js to call CFHA this afternoon. It bugged me all day... what the shit could have possibly broken our hot water heater? It's really odd... Unless...? As soon as I get home, I rummage through the pile of mail and find three letters from the gas company notifying us that our account was past due. Damn it - damn it to hell!

Upon further online research, I find confirmation that :
A) I paid the wrong account.
B) They don't do reconnections over the weekend.
C) It's going to be minus one million degrees on Saturday night and Js is gone camping until Sunday.


We got things figured out this morning and they were able to reconnect us on the same day. We're still out a couple hundred bucks but at least we won't have to worry about our electricity bill until next month. I think it's totally assbackwards NOT to call people or email or something. Please note I am aware that it's also assbackwards to pay the wrong bill. No need to rub it in.

We showered at our neighbor's house and wore hoodies feeling like total white trash all weekend. Ugh. Is that what they call married bliss?

PS: Also note that it's  August 31st and yes, our heat is on.


Meesh said...

That song is now in my head - grrrrrrrrrrrreat lol

Marie said...

My evil plan is working beautifully!

Unknown said...

we're currently in that mindset of "I REFUSE to turn on the furnace in AUGUST, JERKS!" So there's been a lot of huddling under blankets, wearing hoodies and woolie socks. Oh, and the bed heater... ohhh the blessed bed heater!!! We wouldn't have survived this long without the bed heater!


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