Monday, January 4, 2010

Book Commentary : Penelopiad - Margaret Atwood

I was pleasantly surprised by this different Atwood style. This novella tells the tale of Penelope, wife of Odysseus, and her side of the Odyssey events.

What captured my attention and kept me flipping the pages as fast as my reading eyes would allow, were interludes by the twelve maid chorus. Twelve maids that were believed to have been disloyal (wrong!) and were hanged by no other than Odysseus himself. They tell us their version of the story from beyond the western horizon. The mental image of their feet twitching is scarring.

Just the right amount of humor, wit and eerie feeling, à la Atwood, of course.

I give it :
4/5 on the scale of Awesome and ;
5/5 on the scale of Something-Different-Worth-A-Shot

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Thanks for the recommendation, chica! I linked to your review on my books blog! :)


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