Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weekends Alone

The weekend's come and gone and I didn't even notice it.

Well, that's a lie. I did notice it. I slept in until 10am and didn't hear a familiar phone ringing in my ear from 8 to 4. Surprisingly enough, this weekend was total bliss. I didn't have to do anything, I just did things as I wanted to and it was wonderful. It's been so long since I've had that luxury, I miss it. I baked. I did some laundry. I vacuumed. I watched mid-day movies on W.

Why the sudden change of weekend plans, you ask? Yes, you guessed it, Js was working!! :)

When his schedule changed and he told me he was going to have to work weekends now, I thought it sucked giant amounts of sucking. Well this past weekend has proven me wrong. It was so wonderful to have the house to myself - I actually ended up doing more housework and productive stuff than when he's home with me.

With his schedule and mine, we're almost always home at the same time. I'm not complaining because I know how much it sucks to be apart for months and months. On the other hand, always having them around is a complete 180 on what I've come to define as "normal" over the last couple of years.

In about a month, we will have lived together for a complete year. Oh my!

As long as he works weekends, I know I'll have 2 days a week to regain my sanity. I'm looking forward to this change of pace, at least for a short while.

Now if it could just be Friday again... ... ...

1 comment:

Meesh said...

I feel that way a lot - that I love having my husband around, but I get way less done in terms of housework and tying up loose ends. Yay Me days!! :)


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