Thursday, January 14, 2010

Post this to your status if you you're annoyed! *vom*

It all started with the Bra Colors for Breast Cancer thing. It made the news, hurray! Now, it's this and that and the other thing and it's getting kinda old.

I'm all for raising cancer awareness but I don't see what a Facebook Status update can do. Raising awareness takes more than 140 caracters, just sayin'!

Here is my reasoning behind the annoyance :

"It gets the word out!"
- Raise your hand if you've never heard of cancer. That's what I thought - moving right along.

"It raises awareness!"
- Gee, now that I know that 93% of people won't re-post thing, I think I'll stop smoking! Raising awareness isn't about telling people "cancer exists" it's about providing people information to help prevent or diagnose cancer before it's too late. A friendly reminder to get a mamogram would be much more helpful, thanks.

"It's cute!"
- No.

"I do it to support someone I know!"
- How about you give them a call and tell them you love them? You know, like, in person almost.

My uncle has cancer - but he doesn't have Facebook, oh well, so sad for him! I think not. His family and friends support him every way they know how, he doesn't need 140 caracters to remind him.

Put down the torches and pitchforks, I am not a monster. I understand some people might not have such an openly supportive entourage and the Facebook status thing might help them feel better and the initiative behind the whole thing is great. My point is that it's starting to get to the point where no one reads those status updates anymore because they're all the same and we're getting saturated out the news-feed. For something to have an impact, it needs to be unique, original and attractive. The bra thing was. It's been done, it worked well, now it's over and time to be put to bed.

I don't mean for this to be insulting in any way, shape or form. I'm not judging or saying one cause is more worthy than the next. I just think that in today's society, it's easy to over-do things until they loose their purpose and impact on the masses.

In support of my Gran-Pa, Uncle, Friends, Aunt-In-Law and all those who are currently dueling for their lives, please visit the Canadian Cancer Society website and discover a new way or revisit an old way to raise awareness.


Erin said...

Agreed! 100%. Today I actually saw one for "Keep X out of jail. He wuz wronfully convicted. If u support him n his cause, please repost this." Classy, right? F these stupid status'.

Meesh said...

A-MEN !!

Unknown said...
My favourite new term thanks to these stati...


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