Sunday, January 24, 2010

Snowed-in Sunday

Today, I'm experiencing my very first real snowed-in day of winter in the Prairies. Quite the excitement.

The picture right bellow is our drive way and front yard area nearly an hour after Js had cleared the way. More on that bellow.

Basically, we cannot go anywhere. We couldn't even back the car out of the parking space if we tried. The snow drift that has accumulated in our driveway is almost as high as the car itself. Roads and highways are closed. I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like in Ottawa with this kind of weather!!

It's been snowing with insane winds since we woke up this morning and it hasn't even calmed down. It's now 3pm and I'm wondering how I'll manage to walk to work tomorrow.

I amused myself by taking pictures of Js as he attempts to clear our driveway so we may leave the house tomorrow. The minute he turns around, wind blows the snow right back in our yard and he has to start over again. It's a community effort as the roads are still un-plow-able and we have to shovel our way to our next door neighbor's to help him out.

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