Saturday, March 27, 2010

How's this for girly sized rage?

I was overcome with glee when I saw the horrible-horrible-customer-service taco place near walmart was closed. (Klassy, I know!)

Actually we only went there once and even though the tacos were absolutely delicious, the dude behind the counter was less than enjoyable.

Picture this tall lanky guy who's never really worked anywhere else but the Taco Place and who's never really set foot outside his mama's basement. The kind that thinks he knows it all because he's seen it all. Yeah. Lick me.

Me : Hi! What's the difference between this *points* taco and *points* this?
Him : Well this one is called the Supreme Taco and this one is called the Ultimate Taco.

Thanks, brain surgeon, I must have left my ability to read in the car. It was like pulling teeth to get the information and he looked at me like I must be some kind of hermit for never have ordered a taco from a fast-food-taco place.

Him : Do you want the standard size or the small?
Me : What's the difference? *gestures with hands to ask circumference of said taco*
Him : *sigh - rolls eyes* Normal size or girly size?
Me : *fumes* ... ... *tugs at Js' sleeve* ... ... *mumbles french swears indicating Js should order for me if he doesn't want blood to spatter on his burrito*

Are you fucking kidding me?! Seriously!? I was so full of rage I wanted to cry... but no, that would have been too girly of me. Taco man, you and girly sized pants can go fuck right off.

Why should the small one the "girly" size? Is it because women shouldn't eat too much, in case they get fat and society said that's wrong? Or perhaps because when all the men are done eating the food, we can only pick up the scraps and eat what's left? (Underlying family issue with this... but that's for another post.)

The only sad thing about that place being closed is that I will never be able to go back and serve this guy a piece of girly sized ass kicking. I did smile way too much for a sane person when I tried to imagine his narrow little mind trying to learn how to flip a burger or something. "Where are the girly sized buns?"

I wrote this post months and months ago and it just lingered on as a draft because I felt it was a bit ranty and didn't bring anything forward. Then I came across a great link about men and food (thanks Bitch Facebook Page) and I remembered this little piece of rage I wrote and it prompted me to read it again. It fills me with rage to this day so I decided it was worth sharing - if not for the link, for a quick laugh. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a shame that place closed... if I were you I'd be exercising my right as a Canadian to write an angry letter to his manager.. :P


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