Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lost Comment - The Substitute Episode

One of my Facebook friends, Alex G posted the following comment as his status and I thought it was quite hilarious. Here's hoping you, faithful reader and Lost addict, will enjoy as much as I did.

I pieced together long ago that they're all there for some specific reason or another, the Cave added nothing. Showing me [the Losties'] names does not answer any questions except "What kind of stationery is available to Jacob?"

It made me smile. Contrary to Alex, I was very much entertained by the names on the walls and spent countless hours online piecing together who's name was on there and who's was crossed out. Sure, I still want to know more and I had figured out they were all there for a reason... I was just very intrigued by how they were listed and where. I also enjoyed the scale and I was very pleased when it brought back questions about the black and white rocks found on Adam and Eve in "White Rabbit".

As Season 6 evolves, the deeper and deeper I sink... *sigh*

**Note : The Substitute aired on February 16th as the 4th episode to the final and 6th season. I know this post comes a bit late... I'm catching up tonight. :)


Meesh said...

I have a theory, but I'll wait until you're caught up, because it was mostly this last epi that gave me this idea ... I will sit and patiently wait for you to catch up :)

Marie said...

Haha! You're so funny!

I am all caught up on the shows, I was just catching up on my blogging! ;)

...and no, I'm not just saying that to hear your theories!

You show me yours and I'll show you mine! ;)


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