Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The tax man cometh... and we payeth.

Well, I'm actually getting a refund but after all's said and done and we put both our tax reports together, we only get about half of what we were expecting so it kinda sucks but it's better than a kick in the head, I say.

It's the first time we've ever filed our taxes together since last year, we weren't Common Law for the entire year and we decided to file them separately instead. My income was significantly higher last year too so it would have taken us in another tax bracket or something like that and it we would have had to pay more. I'm not quite sure and put all my trust in the hands of professionals just because I can't be bothered to remember this stuff from year to year.

I nearly died when I saw my net income from last year. Like I said, I took a massive income drop last year after leaving my job at TBS, being unemployed for 3 months and then making a lot less at my new job out here in Saskatchewan. I know it's all part of the deal and it kinda comes with the lifestyle - I have no job security but he's got the ultimate job security so it sorta compensates.

It's just a slight punch in the sides to see how little I've been able to contribute to our financial situation. I have to suck it up, get used to it and I promise I'll get over it but for now, I'll keep playing my teeny violin.


Meesh said...

You just hit the nail on the head - that's exactly what I'm scared of once mike gets posted and we have to move somewhere far and I have to leave my good secure job.

Maggie said...

I want to die a little bit.. totally understand! xox

Marie said...

Ugh, the 3 of us should go for coffee... cheap coffee! ;)


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