Friday, May 21, 2010

The Begining of the End

...of Lost. I will try and contain my sobbing and refrain from turning into a giant mass of sobbing emotional goo - for now. I make no promises for Sunday. As of 5pm (CST) it's fair game... bring out the Kleenex and keep heavy things that could break the TV out of my reach.

We've pretty much planned our entire weekend (by "we" I mean "I") around the series finale on Sunday so I thought I would post a little retro-post about the journey that has been my Lost ramblings...

May 2009 - Lost ramblings...
[...] my theory on the rocks Jack takes from "Adam and Eve" in the caves in Season 1. He never makes mention of them again and no one knows he's got them. That's too shady even for this show to not come back and bite us in the ass. My guess is, if it hasn't come back this far into the series... it has something to do with the conclusion.
I guess I wasn't too far off... :)

January 2010 - Beginning of the end
Not knowing what the heck is going on is what makes this show so captivating. If they answer all the questions, it won't be anything more than what people thought it was in the beginning : plane crash survivors on an island. *bore* What makes it so exciting is that it's so messed up - I don't want the thrills to go away.
Oh but they will... they will go away. *sob*

February 2010 - Lost again...
It started as a show about a bunch of exceptional strangers who landed on this random island. Now (to the untrained eye) it looks like a bunch of random people landed on an exceptional island.
Awh! I think if you listen carefully, you may hear my brain 'ssploding in the distance...

March 2010 - The Substitute
I was very much entertained by the names on the walls and spent countless hours online piecing together who's name was on there and who's was crossed out. Sure, I still want to know more and I had figured out they were all there for a reason... I was just very intrigued by how they were listed and where.
Now the fun begins... or ends rather.

And that's the last time I blogged about Lost. I've been trying to piece some thoughts together with regards to the finale and the last couple episodes to no avail. I'm not sure if it's denial or simply because I don't know what to think anymore. Nick did a pretty good job at putting down some (somewhat) coherent words that expressed very well how I feel about the whole thing.

I don't want to keep digging at stuff because I want to get some closure (HA!) from Sunday's episode. ... but I don't want it to end! I'm confuzzled.

Either way, with the episodes leading up to now, I'm pretty sure Sunday's finale will be nothing short of awesomesauce.


Janny A. said...

I think you need a NERF dart gun sweetie. Won't hurt your TV this way, and Js would surely love to play with Jack with it (cause my hubby sure loves to torture our cat with ours... Le Sigh).

Marie said...

I guess that would work... but it wouldn't relieve as much fury, I'm sure. :)


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